Ohio v. Amex: Not So Bad After All?, Antitrust, Fall 2018
Oneok v. Learjet: More Than a One Off?, Antitrust, Fall 2015
The Roberts Court Turn to the Left?, Antitrust, Summer 2014
United States: Dr. Miles’ Last House Call, in Landmark Cases in Competition Law: Around the World in Fourteen Stories (Barry Rodger ed. 2013
In Regulators We Trust: The Supreme Court’s New Approach to Implied Antitrust Immunity, 78Antitrust L.J. 279 (2012)
Some Thoughts on Professor Brodley’s Contributions to Antitrust Through the Eye of American Needle, 90 B.U. L. Rev. 1385 (2010)
Overruling Dr. Miles: The Supreme Trade Commission in Action, 52 Antitrust Bull. 475 (2007)
The Social Costs of Mergers: Restoring “Local Control” as a Factor in Merger Policy, 85 N.C.L. Rev. 149 (2006
Richard Brunell joins Hilliard Shadowen after more than a decade at the American Antitrust Institute, most recently as General Counsel. In 2012-13, he was Senior Advisor for Competition Matters in the chairman’s office at the Federal Trade Commission. Rick previously practiced in the litigation department at Foley Hoag LLP in Boston, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, and at the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department.
A contributing editor of the Antitrust Law Journal, Rick is the author of numerous antitrust articles and book chapters. He has testified before Congress and the Federal Trade Commission and is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.
Rick has argued numerous appeals, including in the U.S. Supreme Court, and written dozens of appellate briefs.
Rick is a graduate of Swarthmore College and the Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. He often teaches antitrust law as an adjunct professor.
- B.A., Swarthmore College
- J.D., Harvard Law School